Richard Brown, Sherry Shriner, and How to Identify Bigfoot Chewies

Cryptozoology in a Doomsday Cult

Tony Russo
7 min readMar 8, 2021
Photo by Darren Halstead on Unsplash

Researching my book, Dragged Into the Light: Truthers, Reptilians, Super Soldiers, and Death Inside an Online Cult, about internet conspiracy cult leader Sherry Shriner inured me to stories that most people think of as crazy. I mean, how else can you describe the belief that reptilian overlords have replaced many if not most of the political, religious, and Hollywood elite?

Reptilian overlords were the centerpiece (but not the weirdest part) of an interpretation of the Bible that supported most every conspiracy theory from Pizza-gate to the Illuminati. Sherry Shriner added all this as well as Old Testament monsters into her take on Christianity.

She preached that vampires, zombies, and even giants are real. I was used to stories of the banal-fantastical as Sherry spun tales about supernatural attacks on her and her friends with the enthusiasm any of us would use to recount a grocery trip.



Tony Russo

Pencil-sharpening enthusiast, journalist, author of “Dragged Into the Light”